Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Eira Teyla "Teyla" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH, HP BOB Puppy, Leaddog, passed vildmarksracet 120km 2017, Passed Polardistance 165km and took place 10 on the world championship 2017 Bronze Championship for polardogs 2016 Bronze Nordic championship 2016 |
Snötrollens Eira Talvi "Talvi" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua Distichiasis | export to Norway |
Snötrollens Eira Tikaani "Tikaani" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, Leaddog, Passed sledtest 10, very good, Bronze Nordic championship 2019 and 2023 1 litter |
Snötrollens Eira Tamika "Tamika" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, PDP, Leaddog, HP, BOB Puppy, Gold Nordic Championship 2017, 2018 and 2019 Silver Nordic Championship 2016 and 2020 Gold Championship for polardogs 2019 Bronze Championship for polardogs 2016 |
Snötrollens Eira Tatiyana "Tatiyana" | Bitch | B/A | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, PDP, SE UCH, BOS, CACx2, Cc, BIS 2 working, Leaddog, Gold Nordic Championship 2017, 2018 and 2019 Silver Nordic Championship 2016,2020 and 2023 Silver Championship for polardogs 2019 Bronze Championship for polardogs 2016 2 litters |
Snötrollens Eira Tano "Zeke" | Male | B | ua=0 | ua | leaddog, 4 litters |
Snötrollens Eira Teodor "Teo" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | SE UCH SE(POLAR)CH, PDP, Leaddog, BOS, CACx2, CC, The samoyed of the year 2016 number 2, Bronze Championship for polardogs 2016 and 2019 Bronze Nordic Championship 2017 and 2018 Silver Nordic Championship 2019 |
Snötrollens Eira Titeuf "Titeuf" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua gonioskopi small | Leaddog, export to Switzerland Passed Polardistance 165km and took place 6 on the world championship 2017- Titeuf as leaddog the whole distance. Passed DP60 |
Snötrollens Eira Tigrou "Tigrou" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | export to Switzerland, leaddog |
Snötrollens Eira Temudjin "Temudjin" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, PDP, Leaddog, excellent, Gold Nordic Championship 2017 and 2020 Bronze Nordic Championship 2018 Bronze Championship for polardogs 2016 and 2019 |
Oppas litter
Oppas means new snow on nordsamiska. The litter was born 3/4 - 2005 and it was 6 males and 2 bitches in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 1,2%
Father: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Polarullens Alyosha Maksim "Josh"
Mother: PDP SE UCH SE(POLAR)CH Sun Master´s Spring Dream "Tanisha"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Oppas Kerak "Kerak" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua gonioskopi ua | SE (POLAR)CH PDP SE UCH, Cc, CACx3, BOS. The samoyed of the year 2007 and 2011, Leaddog 1 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway GOLD Nordish championship 2009,2011 and 2012 Clubwinner 2010 Winner Championchip for Polardogs 2010 Silver on Nordic Championship 2015 3:rd place on Nordic championship 2010 Winner Norway championchip 2010 Gold Swedish Championship Dryland 2011 5 litters in 3 different countries. |
Snötrollens Oppas Kwik "Kwik" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | Cc, CAC |
Snötrollens Oppas Kancho "Hubbe" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Oppas Kenai "Elvis" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | 2 kv |
Snötrollens Oppas Kobik "Nalle" | Male | x | x | x | |
Snötrollens Oppas Kinjo "Kinjo" | Male | A | x | x | |
Snötrollens Oppas Kiska "Kiska" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH PDP,SE UCH, Cc, CACx3 BOB x2, BOS x1, Cacib x1 BOB Working, BOB Veteran 1 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway Clubwinner 2011 2 litters |
Snötrollens Oppas Kiwa "Kiwa" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH PDP, 1kv, Leaddog 2 litters, Award from Swedish kennelclub for great working bitch in breeding. |
Chaos litter
The litter was born 4/10 - 2007 and it was just one little bitch in this litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 4,0%
Father: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Oppas Kerak "Kerak"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Nikz Blue´s Winther Izza Af Katja "Keila"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Leia Alone After Chaos "Leia" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, Cc, 3:rd best female, Leaddog 1 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway Clubwinner 2010 Winner Championchip for Polardogs 2010 Winner Nordic championship 2010 Winner Norway championchip 2010 The sleddog of the Year 2010 |
Nimbly litter
They got their litters name from their father Nimbly Ca-pa. The litter was born 9/6- 2008 and it was 4 males and 5 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 3,1%
Father: LP1 LP2 LP3 PDP VDHJRW-06 VDH CH Nimbly Ca-Pa Beautiful of Whiteline "Ca-Pa"
Mother: PDP SE UCH SE(POLAR)CH Sun Master´s Spring Dream "Tanisha"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Nimbly Schaufuss "Schaufuss" | Male | B/C | ua=0 | ua | export to Denmark PDP, HP as a puppy. Leaddog |
Snötrollens Nimbly Silas "Silas" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE UCH , Cc, CACx3; BOS, BOB, BIS 2 4 litters |
Snötrollens Nimbly Serak "Frost" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | export to Norway Cc, CACx3, BOSx3 Leaddog 2 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway 3:rd place Norway championchip 2010 Winner Norway Championship 2013-2014 Silver medal on Championchip for Polardogs 2012 Silver medal on Nordic Championship 2014 and 2017 SE(POLAR)CH, PDP, passed packing test bronze 5 litters |
Snötrollens Nimbly Speed "Isak" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, Cc, 5:th best male 2:nd place Nordic championchip 2010 and 2011 Clubwinner 2011 |
Snötrollens Nimbly Samira"Samira" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | Cc. Leaddog. Third place on Championchip for Polardogs 2012 1 litter |
Snötrollens Nimbly Soraya "Soraya" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH PDP SE UCH, Cc CACx3, 3:rd best female, Leaddog 1 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway Clubwinner 2010 and 2011 Winner Championchip for Polardogs 2010, 2015 and 2016 Silver Championchip for Polardogs 2019 Winner Nordic championship 2010,2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Winner Norway championchip 2010 Gold Swedish Championship Dryland 2011 The sleddog of the Year 2011 and 2015 1 litter |
Snötrollens Nimbly Sorba "Sorba" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH SE UCH, PDP, Cc CACx3 BOB x1 BOSx3 . Leaddog 1 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway Winner Championchip for Polardogs 2010 3:rd place on the Nordic championship 2010 Winner Norway championchip 2010 Winner Nordic championship 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2018 Silver Nordic Championship 2015 and 2016 Bronze Championship for polardogs 2016 Gold Swedish Championship Dryland 2011 2 litters Award from Swedish kennelclub for great working bitch in breeding. |
Snötrollens Nimbly Siska "Snöa" | Bitch | A | x | ua | Winner Nordic championship 2011 |
Snötrollens Nimbly Shimoza "Aila" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | 2kv Clubwinner 2010 5:th place in Swedish championship 2010, 2 dogs on Kickbike. |
Ceavvi litter
Ceavvi means pretty hard snow on nordsamiska. The litter was born when even we had pretty hard snow here so the name is for that. The litter was born 14/2- 2009 on all hearts day / valentines day. It was 5 males and 2 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 2,1%
Father: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Cassamiras Mimas Av Saturnus "Mimas"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Oppas Kiska "Kiska"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Chomsky "Chomsky" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Coda "Coda" | Male | D | ua=0 | ua | export to Norway BOSx4 CACx4 CACIB, Cc BOB puppy, Best of group 4 puppy *3 Leaddog 2 workingcac/trekkehundscert Norway Second place on Championchip for Polardogs 2012 Winner Norway Championship 2013-2014 Silver medal on Nordic Championship 2014 PDP passed packing test bronze and silver |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Celsius "Celsius" | Male | C | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH, PDP, BOS Puppy, Cc CAC BOS BOB Working Clubwinner 2011 Winner Nordic championship 2011 and 2013 Passed Polardistance 160km 2011 - 5th place. |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Cicero "Nimbus" | Male | B/C | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Chanuq "Chanuq" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua gonioskopi ua | export to Switzerland PDP, ALP1, excellent, R-CAC Winner Nordic championship 2012 3:rd place on Nordic Championship 2015 2:nd Place on the Championship for polardogs 2015 |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Chatka " Nikki" | Bitch | D | ua=0 | ua | export to Norway |
Snötrollens Ceavvi Czaarii "Czaarii" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | export to Norway BOB Puppy BIS 3 |
Geardni litter
Geardni means snow that not hold. When we were mating in Norway the dogs couldn´t go on the snow without going right trow it so then they got the name Geardni.
The litter is born 29/4- 2010 and it is 4 males and 1 female in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 0,0%
Father: PDP SE (POLAR)CH NO TCH Little Rocky´s Dennis "Dennis"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Oppas Kiska "Kiska"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Geardni Anijo "Cantona" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | export to Norway |
Snötrollens Geardni Agloolik "Bizou" | Male | C | ua =0 | ua | Very good |
Snötrollens Geardni Auviq "Smulor" | Male | A | x | ua | export to Germany |
Snötrollens Geardni Aniuk "Aniuk" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH,PDP, Leaddog, Cc SE UCH CACx3 BOS, Winner Nordic championship 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 Winner Championship for polardogs 2015 and 2016 2 litters |
Snötrollens Geardni Aneira "Aneira" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE (POLAR)CH,PDP, Leaddog Winner Nordic championship 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Silver Nordic championship 2015, 2016 and 2020 Winner Championship for polardogs 2015 and 2016 Silver Championship for polardogs 2019 The sleddog of the year 2013 and 2017 1 litter |
Sira litter
Sira means snow on one of the own samoyed languages - Nenetsky peoples language. We wanted something with snow and in a different language and when we got this we liked it so then it had to be Sira litter.
The litter is born 23/5- 2011 and it is 5 males and 3 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 0,4%
Father: Bilaikas Give Peace A Chance "Speedy"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Nimbly Sorba "Sorba"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Sira Freyia "Freyia" | Bitch | A | x | ua | Export to Denmark Cc 2:nd best bitch, CACx2, Leaddog, PDP SE(POLAR)CH Bronze Nordic championship 2019 |
Snötrollens Sira Faina "Faina" | Bitch | x | x | ua | |
Snötrollens Sira Fenyia "Fenyia" | Bitch | D/C | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, PDP, SE UCH, Cac x3 BOS, BOB Working, Silver Nordic championship 2015 |
Snötrollens Sira Farkas | Male | x | x | x | In Loving Memory |
Snötrollens Sira Fjodor "Fjodor" | Male | C/B | ua=0 | ua | Export to Estonia Reading dog for children in a school in Estonia. Sertified therapy dog |
Snötrollens Sira Fridtjof Nansen "Vitus" | Male | A | x | x | Export to Denmark |
Snötrollens Sira Fenrir "Sven" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | Export to Russia |
Snötrollens Sira Frost Viking "Viky" | Male | A/C | ua=0 | ua | Export to Italy, Place 3 on the Italian championship 2014, 1 litter |
Yuki litter
Yuki means snow in Japanese.
The litter is born 24/7- 2013 and it is 2 males and 3 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 6,6%
Father: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Geardni Aniuk "Aniuk"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Nimbly Soraya "Soraya"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Yuki Enyi "Enyi" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, BOB Puppy, Leaddog, PDP, Cc, 3:rd best bitch, R-cac, The samoyed of the year 2015, Gold Nordic Championship 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Gold Championship for polardogs 2015, 2016 and 2019 2 litters |
Snötrollens Yuki Enola "Enola" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, Leaddog, PDP, Cc Gold Championship for polardogs 2015, 2016 and 2019 Gold Nordic Championship 2017, 2018 and 2019 Silver Nordic championship 2015, 2016 and 2020, 2 litters |
Snötrollens Yuki Elohim "Elli" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, BOB Puppy, Leaddog, PDP, The sleddog of the Year 2016 Gold Nordic Championship 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,2019, 2023 and 2024 Gold Championship for polardogs 2015 and 2016 Silver Championship for polardogs 2019 |
Snötrollens Yuki Eluk "Eluk" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | SE(POLAR)CH, SE UCH, PDP, BOB, BIS 2, 3xCAC, CC, Leaddog, passed vildmarksracet 120km 2017, Passed Polardistance 165km and took place 10 on the world championship 2017 Silver Nordic championship 2015 Bronze Nordic championship 2016 |
Snötrollens Yuki Everest "Everest" | Male | B/C | ua=0 | ua | export to Switzerland, leaddog |
Eira litter
Eira means snow in vietnamese.
The litter is born 22/3- 2014 and it is 5 males and 5 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 0,7%
Father: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Samospeed´s Aigisthos "Gaston"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrollens Nimbly Sorba "Sorba"
Snötrollens breeding
Earlier litter you will find information about here are:
Oppas litter
Chaos litter
Nimbly litter
Ceavvi litter
Geardni litter
Sira litter
Yuki litter
Eira litter
Isita litter
Chiquita litter
Tresna litter
Zima litter
Mapacha litter
Erori litter
Sorelle litter
Isitala litter
Kluci litter
Dots litter
Rapido litter
Diez litter
You can see information about the males we used in breeding that not is living on the kennel here >>
Isita litter
Isita means eastern in Shana - an african language. The puppies were born around eastern so then they got the name after that.
The litter is born 23/3- 2016 and it is 1 male and 4 females in the litter.
HD index on the litter 104
Inbreeding on the litter is 0,0%
Father: Vattnadals Jehu "Tintin"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Yuki Enyi "Enyi"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Isita Yulle "Yulle" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | very good, 1 litter |
Snötrollens Isita Yaisa "Yaisa" | Bitch | A/B | ua=0 | ua | Cc 4:th best female |
Snötrollens Isita Ylva "Ylva" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | export to Holland |
Snötrollens Isita Yrja "Yrja" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH Bronze Nordic Championship 2018, Bronze Championship for polardogs 2019 Cc, 1xR-CAC, 3:rd best female, leaddog, 1 litter |
Snötrollens Isita Yumi "Yumi" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH Gold Nordic Championship 2018,2019 and 2023 Gold Championship for polardogs 2019 HP, BOB Puppy, BIS 3 Puppy, Cc, 1xCAC, 2:nd best female leaddog, 1 litter |
Chiquita litter
The name comes from the mother Tatiyana that we often call yana- banana, so then we say Chiquita to the puppies. The litter is born 28/3- 2017 and it is 2 males and 6 females.
Inbreeding on the litter is 2,4%
Father: Little Rocky´s Varg "Varg"
Mother: PDP SE UCH SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Eira Tatiyana "Tatiyana"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Chiquita Bialka "Bialka" | Male | A | x | ua gonioskopi small | export to Holland, leaddog, |
Snötrollens Chiquita Buddha "Buddha" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | 2 litters |
Snötrollens Chiquita Bellini "Luna" | Bitch | A | x | ua | 4 ukk with excellent, |
Snötrollens Chiquita Bajka "Bajka" | Bitch | A | x | ua | PDP, export to Switzerland, leaddog Silver Nordic Championship 2019 |
Snötrollens Chiquita Bronya "Bronya" | Bitch | A1 | x | ua Distichiasis | export to Germany |
Snötrollens Chiquita Bixie "Bixie" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH, HP, BOB Puppy, 3 BIS Puppy, 2 ukk with Cc, leaddog, Gold Championship for polardogs 2019 Gold Nordic Championship 2019 |
Snötrollens Chiquita Buffy "Buffy" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH, excellent, leaddog Bronze Championship for polardogs 2019 Silver Nordic Championship 2019 |
Snötrollens Chiquita Bonnie "Stella" | Bitch | A | x | ua | 1 litter |
Tresna litter
The name means love on javanese and the puppies was born on the day we call the day of love and also the puppies was born on Aneiras mother´s birthday. So what could be a better name on the litter than love.
The puppies are born on the 3/4-2017- exact 12 years since our first litter was born- and then grandchildren to Kiska. It was 2 males and 4 females.
HD index on the litter 105
Inbreeding on the litter is 1,6%
Father: PDP Drifandi Kiro Av Fannhvit "Kiro"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Geardni Aneira "Aneira"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Tresna Nyfikne Primus "Primus" | Male | A/B | 1/2 | ua | export to Norway |
Snötrollens Tresna Naska "Naska" | Male | A | x | ua gonioskopi ua | export to Holland, leaddog |
Snötrollens Tresna Nikita "Nikita" | Bitch | A | x | ua | PDP, 1ukk Cc best female BOS, leaddog Silver Championship for polardogs 2019 |
Snötrollens Tresna Nesjeka "Nessie" | Bitch | A1 | x | ua gonioskopi ua | export to Germany, leaddog, working dog |
Snötrollens Tresna Nadja "Dot" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH HP, very good, leaddog Gold Championship for polardogs 2019 Gold Nordic Championship 2019 |
Snötrollens Tresna Nasti "Nasti" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, SE(POLAR)CH, 3 ukk with Cc, leaddog Bronze Championship for polardogs 2019 Silver Nordic Championship 2019 and 2024 |
Zima litter
The name means snow and it was a lot of snow this year when Enola meet Razmus so we thought a name for snow was perfect for this litter also.
The puppies are born 12/4-2018 and it was 2 males and 3 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 0,0%
Father: PDP NLCH Lusjkaya Razmus Almokov "Razmus"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Yuki Enola "Enola"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Zima Qasper "Qasper" | Male | A/B | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Zima Qiyo | Male | A | x | ua gonioskopi ua | export to Holland, leaddog, PDP, LP1, LP2, 5 litters |
Snötrollens Zima Qaxi | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | HP, BOB Puppy, 2 BIS Puppy PDP The sleddog of the year 2022 |
Snötrollens Zima Qanuk | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, very good, |
Snötrollens Zima Qluri | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | PDP, HP, BOB Puppy, BIS Puppy,Cc 3:rd best female, leaddog, |
Mapacha litter
The name means twins in Swahili and as they just were two in the litter we thought that was a great name.
The puppies are born 17/4-2019 and it was 1 male and 1 female in the litter.
HD index on the litter 107
Inbreeding on the litter is 4,2%
Father: PDP Drifandi Kiro Av Fannhvit "Kiro"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Yuki Enyi "Enyi"
Erori litter
Erori means autumn on Basque and the litter was born when the autumn should start so we thought that was a great name.
The puppies are born 1/9-2019 and it was 5 males and 4 females in the litter.
HD index on the litter 108
Inbreeding on the litter is 2,1%
Father: PDP Fjälltrollens Chinook " Chinook"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Yuki Enola "Enola"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Erori Roy "Roy" | Male | B | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Erori Rasmus "Rasmus" | Male | B | ua=0 | ua Distichiasis | export to Norway |
Snötrollens Erori Ryno "Brynolf" | Male | B | ua=0 | ua | PDP, Silver Nordic Championship 2023, Bronze Nordic Championship 2024, Cc 4BHKL R-Cac, |
Snötrollens Erori Rex "Rex" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Erori | Male | B | ua=0 | ua | 1 litter, excellent, export to Norway |
Snötrollens Erori Rejza "Rejza" | Bitch | C | ua=0 | ua Distichiasis | leaddog, best female puppy 4-6 months HP, |
Snötrollens Erori Roxi "Roxi" | Bitch | C/B | ua=0 | ua Distichiasis | |
Snötrollens Erori Regina Bianca "Reggie" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Erori Ritza "Ritza" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua Distichiasis | completed BPH with shots |
Sorelle litter
Sorelle means sisters in italian and we thoght that was a good name for two sisters.
The litter is born 4/4-2020 and it was two females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter 0,0%
Father: Exclusive Boy Koraal´s "Yngvi"
Mother: PDP SEUCH SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Eira Tatiyana "Tatiyana"
Isitala litter
Isitala means eastern in Chichewa, an african language. We thought that was a good name because they were born on the eastern this year.
The litter is born 12/4-2020 and its 5 males and 3 females in the litter.
Inbreeding on the litter is 2,0%
Father: PDP Time Freeze Idefix av Fannhvit "Idefix"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Chiquita Bixie "Bixie"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Isitala Phoenix "Bob" | Male | C | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Isitala Preben "Preben" | Male | C | ua=0 | Geografisk RD | very good |
Snötrollens Isitala Primo "Max" | Male | B | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Isitala Phiri "Phiri" | Male | B | x | ua | 1 litter, export to Norway |
Snötrollens Isitala Prins Trulls "Trulls" | Male | A/B | ua=0 | ua | very good, 1 litter |
Snötrollens Isitala Pixie "Pixie" | Bitch | B/C | ua=0 | ua | very good |
Snötrollens Isitala Pältsa "Pältsa" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | ua | very good, working dog, |
Snötrollens Isitala Pilvi "Pilvi" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | leaddog, PDP SE(POLAR)CH Cc, 3x CAC, SE UCH |
Kluci litter
Kluci means boys in Czech and we thought that was a good name because they wereonly boys in the litter.
The litter is born 23/8-2021 and its 5 males in the litter.
HD index on the litter is 110
Inbreeding on the litter is 4,2%
Father: PDP SE(POLAR)CH SE UCH Snötrolens Eira Teodor "Teo"
Mother: Snötrollens Zima Qluri "Qluri"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Kluci Dorian Fynn "Fynn" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua Distichiasisgonio ua | export to Switzerland, leaddog |
Snötrollens Kluci Dutch Stout "Stout" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | export to Holland |
Snötrollens Kluci Don Thorri "Thorri" | Male | A | x | ua | export to Holland |
Snötrollens Kluci DJ Kiwi "Kiwi" | Male | A/B | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Kluci Diesel | Male | B | ua=0 | ua |
Dots litter
The name comes from the mother Dot that we often call her so then the litter become her dots...
The litter is born 29/8-2021 and its 1 male and 2 females in the litter.
HD index on the litter is 111
Inbreeding on the litter is 3,3%
Father: Snötrollens Chiquita Buddha "Buddha"
Mother: PDP Snötrollens Trensa Nadja "Dot"
Rapido litter
The name comes from the mother Yumi that loves speed and also that the puppies arrived little early so speed there too. Rapido means speed in the helplanguage Esperanto.
The litter is born 24/3-2022 and its 3 males and 3 females in the litter.
HD index on the litter is 103
Inbreeding on the litter is 2,9%
Father: Snötrollens Chiquita Buddha "Buddha"
Mother: PDP SE(POLAR)CH Snötrollens Isita Yumi "Yumi"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Rapido Milos "Milos" | Male | B/C | ua=0 | ua | HP, BOB and BIS Puppy, |
Snötrollens Rapido Milou "Milou" | Male | A | ua=0 | x | export to Switzerland |
Snötrollens Rapido Mafuyu "Fuyu" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Rapido Maya "Maya" | Bitch | A | ua=0 | x | export to Switzerland |
Snötrollens Rapido Mayla "Mayla" | Bitch | x | x | x | export to Holland, |
Snötrollens Rapido Minja "Minja" | Bitch | B | ua=0 | ua | HP, BOS Puppy, Cc, leaddog, PDP |
Diez litter
The name comes from that they are 10 puppies in the litter.
The litter is born 31/3-2023 and its 6 males and 4 females in the litter.
HD index on the litter is 102
Inbreeding on the litter is 3,1%
Father: Snötrollens Isitala Prins Trulls "Trulls"
Mother: PDP Snötrollens Tresna Nadja "Dot"
Name | Sex | Hips | Elbows | Eyes | Other stuff |
Snötrollens Diez Hotchi "Hotchi" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Diez Herr Blanco "Blanco" | Male | x | x | x | |
Snötrollens Diez Haddock Bolt "Bolt" | Male | x | x | x | |
Snötrollens Diez Hyoki "Hyoki" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Diez Heikki "Heikki" | Male | A | ua=0 | ua | |
Snötrollens Diez Hailo "Aston" | Male | x | x | x | |
Snötrollens Diez Heda "Heda" | Bitch | x | x | x | |
Snötrollens Diez Hera "Luna" | Bitch | x | x | x | |
Snötrollens Diez Hej Mimmu "Mimmu" | Bitch | C/B | ua=0 | ua | search dog for kantarells, export to Finland |
Snötrollens Diez Hachiki "Hachiki" | Bitch | C | 1 | ua | export to Norway |